When I started this blog I didn't exactly want to make it all about writing. There's a lot to discuss in the world and a lot of people who need to know that they matter, and are loveable. The fact is, those two things are not entirely separate.
Writing is important for many reasons. It's the foundation of history, most of what we know today was written down at some point. What we write today, will at some point be the history to generations of people in the future. They'll have a little bit of insight into what the world was like right now by reading things that were written by people like you and me.

Beyond that though, writing is our key way to communicate. People make assumptions (sometimes incorrectly) about how literate, intelligent, and well-learned we are simply by how well we speak and write.
These are all great reasons to write, but essentially that's not what strikes me as the most important reason to write. Writing is personal. It is something we want or need to say, or the ability to get something off our chests, or to say how we feel in a safe place. It's about putting ourselves out into the universe and believing that we have been heard.

We don't need to put our writing on the internet, worry about followers and likes. sometimes we just need to write things down. For ourselves. It's fine if you want to share your writing with others online, but sometimes it's just private. It's a safe space for us to say how we're feeling and what we're thinking without being judged. That safe space allows us to think more clearly about our life journeys. Everyone has a backstory, and that means you have one too. Take time to write, even if it's just for yourself. Tell your story.