For once I have the title of a post before the actual post, and I have autocorrect to...thank...for it. Yeah, it's weird. But every time I try to type the word "love" on my phone, I apparently hit the "I" and it of course spells live.
Today it just sort of hit me that it's a thing. If you love it--like really love it--you should live it. So many times we talk about dreams (not me, I totally don't have other blogs on dreams...ahem), but that's only half the equation. Most of you are probably rolling your eyes and thinking, "duh, you can't just dream and have things happen". If you think logically about it, you have to work towards that dream.
What does that mean though? Sometimes it's hard to know the type of work you should do. Typing "love it", and having it accidentally show up as 'live it' made it a little more real and concrete. If you want to write, you have to write. You have to keep doing it and practicing it. Your path might be a little different, but at the heart of it we have to at least keep doing the thing we love. If you paint, draw, knit, crochet, sculpt, play music, write music, sing, whatever...keep doing it. The pursuit of our dreams has to be seen in our actions, in what we choose to continually do. It's part of investing in ourselves, giving ourselves permission and encouragement to keep doing something we love.
What do you love, or what are you passionate about?