We spend the beginning of our lives with people mentoring us. They teach us how to walk, eat, play sports, instruments and video games. We're taught how to read, write, and some important basics of math and science. We're taught these things because more experienced people knew those skills would come in handy for when we take on "real life".
Once we graduate from high school, we suddenly find ourselves needing to guide our own ship through uncharted waters. Many of us spent our high school years convinced that nothing we learned would be helpful, and then suddenly it felt as though we didn't learn anything we needed to know.
Do we go to college? Do we go to a trade school? Do we take an apprenticeship? Do we intern during college? Do we have to work during college? Do we skip college and just get to work? There are so many options, little forks in the water that may take us to completely different destinations. It's a lot to take in, not to mention the challenge of choosing from among thousands of colleges if you decide to attend.
College offers a similar structure to high school, but with more studies directed at the degree you want. There's a bit of comfort in having a familiar schedule of classes and being told what to learn. Many colleges also offer career counseling to help you get a job once you've obtained your degree. Keep in mind that many times you end up doing something unrelated to your degree at first, and not all career counseling services are the same. Some are much more effective and successful than others. You can do a bit of research for colleges you are considering to see what percentage of students are placed in jobs related to their degree. The higher the percentage, the better the career counseling services (generally speaking).
Trade or tech schools are similar to college but usually offer shorter programs of study. Some even offer certifications that might get you a decent job without the cost of a full-blown degree. Many of these get you through a program (full-time) in about two years. Apprenticeships are probably different, so you'd have to search more locally and online to find out requirements and how long the training might be. It also probably depends on how much effort and practice you put into what you're learning.
The basic theme here is this: no matter what you decide to do, the decision is yours alone. Yes, there are many factors which could influence your decisions. You, however, are the only one who will have to live with regrets, or wishing you had done something else. It's difficult to suddenly be in charge of your future, when for so long others have guided us. When you turn 18, or heck even in your 20's, there's not so much that has changed that it makes you confident of your decisions. You have about the same information and experience under your belt as you did in high school. Maybe you have some work experience, but it's easy to let others continue to shuffle you in a direction. If you have a passion, don't let people easily shuffle you into a different direction.
Passion is helpful in directing our own lives, but sometimes we're passionate about something we've never actually tried. Make sure that it's something you'd like by volunteering in a setting where you can learn the subject/job you are passionate about. You might save yourself some time and money if you find out that you don't like the typical day of a banker, teacher, or scientist. Too often we have to make life-impacting decisions without enough information, so be your own advocate and try to find a mentor. If you can't find someone to mentor you, see if there are people who do the job you want to do and if they would be willing to answer questions about what their typical day is like, as well as other duties they have. Learn from the experience of others whenever possible, and then make your own decision. I know it's hard sometimes, but it's also hard to look back at life and kick yourself because you feel you should have taken a different path.
No one else has to live with the results of your decisions. Just you. You can do this! Do you have a career idea you are passionate about? Tell me about it in the comments!