There's so much whirling around my brain lately, and I'm sure I'm not alone. It makes me think of friends, what it means to be a friend and have a friend. By normal standards, I'm not a very good friend. I'm an introvert. I don't have a ton of emotional energy to deal with people, and my family is my first priority. Sometimes it just doesn't leave much else for me to want to hang out with others.
Luckily, I have friends who are forgiving, and understanding. I have friends who will chat with me when we have time and even if we haven't seen each other in years we just start talking again as if no time had ever passed. Those are the golden friendships. I'm really blessed to have those people in my life, even if we don't get to see each other daily or chat very often.
I can do better with that, try calling more. I'm not good at it, so it's a struggle. One of the things I do like is having friends who make me think. Friends who tell me if I'm being stupid about something, or if my opinion is harmful to others. They help me think about things on a larger scale than just my own experiences. And sometimes they let me know when I'm not being a very good friend. That's important too, and I'm thankful that they don't just suddenly stop talking to me. I'm thankful that they take the time to explain why they are miffed, or why their feelings might be hurt.
If we only ever have friends who are exactly like us, it's fun, but we're not really growing as people very much. Friendships should be like cooking...you should have a lot of cool different flavors to make a truly interesting meal. Sorry, I might be channeling my inner Xiangling from Genshin Impact. Anywho, life is just more interesting with different people. We can help each other be better versions of ourselves, and I think that's awesome.