Dreams are awesome. They help us think of how to achieve something better, but they're also a little incomplete. It's a lot easier to see the end-goal we want than it is to see the steps we should take to reach that end-goal.
We often make a lot of mistakes along the path, or sometimes we feel like we're not learning anything, or making any progress. School was interesting for me. Most subjects were easy,s and just required a normal amount of studying. dates
That wasn't the case with History. For some reason, I couldn't seem to wrap my head around History at all. The things I thought were significant were never the things on the test. It didn't matter that I knew what happened during the Civil Rights movement, I was supposed to have memorized the date.

Then when I wanted to learn about art, it felt like slogging through brambles or dense muck. I didn't feel like I was getting better at all, and it felt like I was nowhere nearer to the end-goal I saw in my mind.
Struggling isn't fun. It can make us doubt ourselves, eat away at our self-esteem, and sometimes even our hope for the future. Struggle isn't bad though, it helps us learn what ways don't work, and what ways do work. Struggle doesn't mean we're less than others, or that we'll never reach that end-goal.
If you're struggling with getting better at something, or reaching a goal that is special to you, that's okay. I know it's not fun, but if the end-goal is something you are invested in and means a lot to you, your struggles will pay off. Everyone struggles. Remember when you see a person who can do things easily, they most likely had a heap of struggles before they reached success.
Struggle is just part of the process of learning and growing as a person. It's not who you are, just the part of the path you're on now. I bet reaching those end-goals will feel so amazing, and if you keep working at it, I believe you'll get there. :)